Privacy Policy << Go Back stores information that is strictly necessary to create and maintain your account. This includes, but is not limited to:
  1. Discord Account
    Discord information shared through the authentication process during login with
  2. IP Location
    Estimated, not specific, country location data used to preset your timezone setting necessary to display episode air times in your timezone.
  3. Cookies
    Visiting automatically initiates a session cookie, as is common with all websites. We only store cookies to maintain your logged-in status for a smoother user experience. does not collect or track user information using cookies.
  4. Anime
    Your filters/watched episodes data needed to display and maintain your animelist. This includes any other interactions, e.g., scoring data. will not collect personal information unless you voluntarily provide it, and we use it solely for the purposes for which it was provided. Your information will never be shared with third parties, nor we will ever sell your information to anyone. requests access to the following discord user information during login:
  1. Identity
    Includes your username and global name.
  2. Email
    To ensure account legitimacy and prevent automated registrations, our platform checks your Discord verification status using email permissions. Unverified accounts will be restricted from completing registration. Additionally, your email is used solely for identity verification if you lose access to your account.
    Email Usage Policy:
    Your email address will never be used for sending spam, advertisements, or any unsolicited communications. It will only be used to contact you in critical situations or when necessary for account recovery. Unless explicitly opted-in.
  3. Connections
    Includes external links in your Discord bio. Your connections may be utilized in a future update to enhance your animelist share page (publicly accessible page). Please note, this feature will be made available on an opt-in basis by the user.
In contrast to what discord says on their authentication page, will, in fact, ask you to help solve a mystery with the gang, paint a happy little tree, and most likely brew some kombucha afterwards. uses Google Analytics to understand how visitors interact with our site. This analysis is conducted solely for the purpose of making future improvements to the user experience. No personal information is used beyond what is necessary for these evaluations.

You can read more about Google Analytics policies and how the information is processed here:

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